Assessment of the motivational and value component of future teachers’ readiness for delivering moral education based on building an individual profile
2 South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Magnitogorsk Pedagogical College
Introduction. The article addresses the problems of initial teacher education. The purpose of the study is to identify and assess the formation of the motivational and value component within the readiness of future teachers for professional activities based on building an individual profile.
Materials and Methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the complex of approaches, while the general scientific basis is the systematic and axiological approaches, the theoretical and methodological strategy includes the nuclear and contextual approaches, and the practice-oriented tactics employs the learner-centered approach.
The research was conducted by means of reviewing and analyzing scholarly literature on the research problem, regulatory sources, and summarizing the authors’ practical experience.
For a comprehensive assessment of the formation of the motivational and value component within the readiness of future teachers for professional activities and making an individual trajectory of its formation, the authors have developed a software module called “A system for evaluating the motivational component of teachers' readiness to implement professional practices in the educational process at the university”.
Results. The article describes the motivational and value component within the readiness of future teachers for professional activities. The substantive content of this component is: 1) stable motivation to carry out professional activities; 2) accepting the values of the teaching profession; 3) self-motivation; 4) integration of personal and professional values and meanings.
A theoretically based software module for assessing the level of the motivational and value component within the readiness of future vocational training teachers for professional activities allowed the authors to build individual graphical profiles for students, on the basis of which learner-centered remedial work was carried out with students individually.
According to the results of the application of the developed software module, it was found that the proportion of students with a high level of component formation at the control stage of the experiment reached 80.65 % (in EG-4 – 69.23 %), which confirms the effectiveness of this tool in the formation of the motivational and value component of future teachers’ readiness for professional activities.
Conclusions. In conclusion, the specifics of the formation of the motivational and value component within the future teachers’ readiness for professional activities based on building an individual profile are summarized.
Individual profile; Readiness for educational activities; Motivational-value component; Future teacher; Pedagogical values; Personal self-motivation.
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