Science for Education Today, 2024, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 7–26

Peculiarities of the influence of the level of motivation for cognitive activities on the development of future teachers’ intellectual abilities

Mazilov V. A. 1 (Yaroslavl, Russian Federation), Slepko I. N. 1 (Yaroslavl, Russian Federation)
1 FSBEO "Yaroslavl State Pedagogiсal University after K.D. Ushinsky"

Introduction. The article analyzes the problem of the influence of cognitive motivation on the development of intellectual abilities of students - future school teachers.
The purpose of the study is to establish the nature of the influence of the level of motivation for cognitive activity on the development of intellectual abilities in different periods of the educational-professional activity of a student - future teacher.
Materials and Methods. The main method of the study was testing students majoring in "Primary Education" (n = 156 people, including 42 first-year students, 41 second-year students, 38 third-year students, and 35 fourth-year students) in order to measure the level of cognitive motivation (Methodology for diagnosing motivation for learning and emotional attitude to learning by C. Spielberger adapted by A.M. Prikhozhan) and the development of intellectual abilities (Test of the structure of intelligence by R. Amthauer).
Results. It has been established that while stating the high role of motivation in the cognitive, intellectual, and overall professional development of a future teacher, psychology does not clearly explain the mechanisms of this influence. Based on the theory of abilities of V.D. Shadrikov, the authors established a non-linear nature of the influence of cognitive motivation on the development of intellectual abilities of a future teacher. This is manifested in the fact that motivation affects not the change in absolute indicators of intelligence, but the structural organization of the intellectual sphere in different periods of educational-professional activity. The influence of cognitive motivation on intellectual development is mediated by the acquisition of experience in educational-professional activity, which requires testing different ways of organizing the intellectual activity of students.
Conclusions. The nature of the influence of cognitive motivation on intellectual abilities established in the study can be considered as an important pedagogical condition for increasing the effectiveness of professional pedagogical education, as well as improving the management of the process of intellectual development of a student - a future teacher.


Cognitive motivation; Abilities; Intellectual abilities; Personality abilities; Professional development; Teacher.

For citation:
Mazilov V. A., Slepko I. N. Peculiarities of the influence of the level of motivation for cognitive activities on the development of future teachers’ intellectual abilities. Science for Education Today, 2024, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 7–26. DOI:
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Date of the publication 31.08.2024