Victor Maratovich Trofimov

First name: Victor 

Middle name: Maratovich 

Last name: Trofimov

Scientific degree: Doctor of Science

Post / rank: professor

Establishment /organization: Kuban State University of Technology

Address:  350072 Krasnodar, Moskovskaya, 2


 St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University

Research Interests 

 modeling of information systems, turbulent flow, vortices, structure, educational processes in a technological society




Scopus Author ID



1. Erich Schülein E. andVictor М. TrofimovSteady longitudinal vortices in supersonic turbulent separated flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2011, vol.672, pp.451-476.

2. Schülein E. and Trofimov V. Steady Longitudinal Vortices in Separated Turbulent Flows, CEAS-Paper 2007-116, Proc. 1st CEAS European Air & Space Congress, Berlin, Germany, 10.-13.09.2007, ISSN 0700-4083, pp.251-260, DGLR/CEAS, 2007.

3. Schülein E., Trofimov V., "Longitudinal Vortices in Separated Turbulent Flows", DLR-Report IB 224 – 2005 A17, DLR Goettingen, 2006. – 57 p.

4. Тrofimov V.M. Physical effect in Rank tube. JETP Lett., Vol.72, No.5, 2000

5. Trofimov V.М., Smulskyi Y.I.Observation of the stagnation temperature in the channel with a loop:the turbulent angular momenta // Aeromekhanika I gazovaya dinamika (Russ.) 2001, № 2, 48-53.

6. TrofimovV.М., Zaykovskyi V.N., Shtrekalkin S.I.Influence of consecutivecavities on heat transfer insupersonic flow // Teplofizika I aeromekhanikaа. 2002,т.9, № 3, с.423-430.

7. Berezin Y.A. and Trofimov V.M.Generation of large-scale vorticis under action of non-equilibrium turbulence. Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk, Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza (Russ.), 1996, No.1, 47-55.

8. Berezin Y.A., Trofimov V.M. Turbulent motions: hidden order and loss of equilibrium. Proc. of ICMAR-96. Sep. 2 – 6 Novosibirsk.  1996.  Pt. 3. – P. 11 – 15.

9. Berezin Y.A., Trofimov V.M. A model of non-equilibrium turbulence with an asymmetric stress. Application to the problems of thermal convection. Continuum Mech. Thermodyn. 1995. V. 7. N 4. P. 415 – 437.

10. Berezin Y.A. and Trofimov V.M. Thermal convection in a non-equilibrium turbulent medium with rotation. Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk, Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza (Russ.), 1994, No.6, 62-70 (See also: Fluid Dynamics, 1994, Vol.29, No.6, 789-796).

11. Zaikovskii V.N. and Trofimov V.M.Observation of structural levels of turbulent heat transfer. Pis'ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. (Russ.), 1995, 61, No.8, 627-631 (See also: JETP Lett., Vol.61, No.8, 645-649).

12. Trofimov V.M. Effect of oriented properties of turbulence on the heat transfer. Vestnik Moskovskogo Technikogo Universiteta (Russ.), 1995, No. 3, 120-127.

13. Zheltovodov A.A., Trofimov V.M., Schülein E.H., Yakovlev V.N. An experimental documentation of supersonic turbulent flows in the vicinity of forward- and backward-facing rams // Hypersonic Shock/Boundary Layer Interaction Database / G.S. Settles, L.J. Dodson.  NASA CR  177577, April 1991.  P. 107–120.

14. Zheltovodov A.A., Trofimov V.M., Schülein E.H., Yakovlev V.N. An experimental documentation of supersonic turbulent flows in the vicinity of forward- and backward-facing rams // Hypersonic Shock/Boundary Layer Interaction Database / G.S. Settles, L.J. Dodson.  NASA CR– 177610, April 1993. P. 96–100.

15. Trofimov V.M., Shtrekalkin S.I.Longitudinal vortices and heat transfer in reattached shear layer / Separated flows and jets. IUTAM-Symposium / Novosibirsk July 9–13, 1990.  Springer-Verlag. P. 417 – 420.



City: Krasnodar

Country: Russian Federation 
