Science for Education Today, 2024, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 44–69

Principles of instructional design in adult education: Vectors of change and modelling opportunities based on educational technologies

Kicherova M. N. 1 (Tyumen, Russian Federation), Trifonova I. S. 1 (Tyumen, Russian Federation), Payusova T. I. 1 (Tyumen, Russian Federation)
1 University of Tyumen

Introduction. The issue of instructional design development is examined, with a particular focus on the potential for developing variable models based on technological solutions which facilitate the synchronisation of adult learning with the demands of the labour market. The aim of this article is to determine the principles of the instructional design for adults, and to identify the key vectors of change influenced by educational technology (EdTech).
Materials and Methods. The methodology was based on ecosystem and socio- environmental approaches, as well as the methods of content analysis, expert interviews and modelling. The method of a qualitative content analysis was used to examine scientific sources with a search depth of 10 years. The selection of experts for interviews was carried out on a criterion sample: work experience in adult education, continuing professional development, consulting, and EdTech. The data were analysed on 15 expert interviews. The authors employed the modelling method to construct a conceptual model of instructional design.
Results. The authors have identified and revealed the differences between instructional design and classical didactics, presented in the educational paradigm shift towards a greater learner agency, an open multidimensional learning environment, and ecosystem connections. As a result, the authors have pointed out three stages of instructional design development, revealed its peculiarities, and identified potential avenues for change. The authors have summarised and formulated the principles of a modern data-driven instructional design, based on the examples of EdTech companies Skillbox, Skyeng, Stepik, Synergy, SkillFactory, Universalium, Synchronisation. The principles are as follows: personalisation, customisation, variability, reduction of a feedback loop, analysis of group and individual educational experiences, immersion in practice and social context. Furthermore, the authors have constructed and described a conceptual model of the instructional design for adults.
Conclusions. In conclusion, the authors present a summary of the principles identified in the field of the modern data-driven instructional design for adult education. Instructional design is regarded as a scientific discipline and practice. The model of instructional design developed by the authors provides adaptability and the capacity for redesigning educational programmes for adults in continuing professional development and EdTech, thereby contributing to the creation of a lifelong learning ecosystem.


Instructional design; Education technology (EdTech); Adult education; Variable models; Educational programmes; Personalisation of learning; Ecosystem connections.

For citation:
Kicherova M. N., Trifonova I. S., Payusova T. I. Principles of instructional design in adult education: Vectors of change and modelling opportunities based on educational technologies. Science for Education Today, 2024, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 44–69. DOI:
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Date of the publication 30.06.2024