Science for Education Today, 2023, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 7–27

Education of pedagogical university students on media competence under the conditions of the transformation of the educational process

Musifullin S. R. 1 (Ufa, Russian Federation)
1 Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmully

Introduction. The article deals with the problems of information literacy education, the systematic management of media education and the media literacy of future teachers. The purpose of the study is to identify the specifics of developing media literacy of pedagogical university students under the conditions of transformation of the educational process.
Materials and Methods. The study was carried out in the logic of an educational experiment.
The development of favorable conditions contributing to the formation of media literacy was based on the analysis of successful educational practices.
The empirical data were analyzed and summarized. The sample consisted of 256 undergraduate students studying Education.
Criteria and corresponding level indicators of media competence formation were developed in order to check the validity of research findings. In the development of criteria for the formation of media literacy of future teachers, adequate and proven methods were used for validity and reliability. The development of favorable conditions to facilitate the development of media literacy was based on the analysis of successful pedagogical practices. The obtained data were interpreted and analyzed. In order to calculate the reliability of statistical data and the accuracy of the results, the formulas of Ryulon, Spearman-Brown and Kronbach were used.
Results. Theoretical analysis of scientific literature made it possible to clarify the concept of media literacy, to determine the main educational mechanisms and conditions for the formation of media literacy. The proposed definition of media literacy made it possible to designate it as one of the professional competencies of a future teacher.
The formative experiment involved the revision of the teaching content and the creation of effective and relevant educational conditions for the formation of students’ media literacy. It is noted that the indicators of media literacy formation are observed within the framework of interdisciplinary educational events in extracurricular activities. Student associations and activities allowed students to put media literacy skills into practice. Within the framework of student associations, students' perception of the importance of the ability to critically perceive information, the need for verification, the significance of the ability to work with various sources of information has changed.
Conclusions. The author concludes that the conditions implemented within the framework of the educational process ensure the successful formation of media literacy in pedagogical university students.


Media literacy; Media competence; Initial teacher education; Transformation of the educational process; Digital literacy.

For citation:
Musifullin S. R. Education of pedagogical university students on media competence under the conditions of the transformation of the educational process. Science for Education Today, 2023, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 7–27. DOI:
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Date of the publication 28.02.2023