Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin, 2018, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 23–40

Conditions of English language teaching to prospective biology teachers in Kazakhstan [In English]

Tazhigulova G. O. 1 (Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan), Assanova D. N. 1 (Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan), Uteubayeva E. A. 1 (Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan), Mekezhanova A. B. 1 (Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan), Tleuzhanova G. K. 1 (Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan)
1 Academician E. A. Buketov Karaganda State University

Introduction. The ongoing changes in the education system of Kazakhstan, in particular, the updating of the content of school education, have actualized the problem of language training of future subject teachers who conduct school disciplines in English. The purpose of the study is to identify the organizational and pedagogical conditions required to implement language training of future biology teachers in the context of the updated content of school education.
Materials and Methods. The study was conducted by means of analyzing and summarizing scientific and theoretical sources on the research problem, review of normative documents on the organization of language training of biology students, analysis and systematization of empirical data on the basis of interviewing teachers of profile subjects, giving lessons in English, as well as Biology students.
Results. The authors identified a range of organizational and pedagogical conditions necessary for effective implementation of language training of future biology teachers in conditions of updating the content of school education. During the analysis of the interview results, the authors revealed the main problems of organizing language training for future school subject teachers, among which the lack of language readiness and inadequate educational and methodological base are dominant.
Conclusions. The authors summarize the organizational and pedagogical conditions for language training of future biology teachers in the context of the updated content of school education, which implementation can contribute to effectiveness of language training of future biology teachers.


Language training; Natural-science direction; Trilingual education; Educational process; Foreign language; Professional communicative competence; Normative support; Methodological support; Professionally oriented orientation

98.137 Noticing | Teacher Knowledge | Professional Vision


Conditions of English language teaching to prospective biology teachers in Kazakhstan

For citation:
Tazhigulova G. O., Assanova D. N., Uteubayeva E. A., Mekezhanova A. B., Tleuzhanova G. K. Conditions of English language teaching to prospective biology teachers in Kazakhstan [In English]. Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin, 2018, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 23–40. DOI:
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Date of the publication 31.12.2018