Science for Education Today, 2024, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 128–154

Cognitive-reflexive personality development: Evaluating the impact of the changing information and educational environment

Pushkareva E. A. 1 (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation), Pushkarev Y. V. 1 (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation)
1 Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University

Introduction. The article presents the results of a research investigation on the problem of modern individuals’ cognitive development, the mechanisms of formation of their reflexivity in modern conditions of societal information development.
The aim of this study is to assess and identify the features of the impact of changing information and educational environment on cognitive processes of modern individuals, which determine transformations in the development of the mechanisms of their reflexivity based on a critical review of current research investigations.
Materials and Methods. The research is based on the systematic approach, the theory of philosophy of education, and the cognitive theory of personality. The research methodology involves analysis and generalization of international and Russian scholarly works that consider the problems of information development of society, the specifics of the formation of cognitive processes in the development of education.
Results. The article presents the results of the theoretical study, assessment and systematization of the impact of changing information and educational environment on cognitive-reflexive mechanisms of modern personality development.
The critical review of current studies has shown that the issues of assessing and identifying the features of the impact of the changing information and educational environment on the cognitive processes of a modern personality, which determine the transformation in the development of the mechanisms of its reflexivity, are significantly updated at the present time in connection with changes in the cognitive and educational fields.
It is shown that nowadays the problem of changing development orientation within the education system is significantly relevant with the focus on global transformations of social development, which entailed transformations in the higher education system, which determined the transformations not only of the university, but also the entire education system.
Special attention is paid to the changes in the ontological and methodological foundations of changes taking place in modern conditions. Currently, the problems of forming critical thinking and determining personal mechanisms of reflexive cognition require a revision of theoretical foundations.
As a result, the basic understanding of modern changes has been revealed: the problems of changes in the modern educational environment; the capabilities of the changing digital environment for the adequate functioning of the education system in modern conditions; the potential of the new educational environment for the formation of cognition of educational stakeholders.
Conclusions. In conclusion, the authors summarise the results of the analysis of modern individuals’ cognitive development, the mechanisms of developing their reflexivity in modern conditions of changing information and educational environment.


Educational values; Educational transformation; Philosophy of education; Changes in the information and educational environment; Cognitive-reflective personality development.

For citation:
Pushkareva E. A., Pushkarev Y. V. Cognitive-reflexive personality development: Evaluating the impact of the changing information and educational environment. Science for Education Today, 2024, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 128–154. DOI:
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Date of the publication 31.12.2024