Science for Education Today, 2024, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 62–82

Career guidance of modern high school students: Evaluating the relationship between personal characteristics and basic values

Buravleva N. A. 1 (Tomsk, Russian Federation), Bogomaz S. A. 2 (Tomsk, Russian Federation), Karakulova O. V. 1 (Tomsk, Russian Federation)
1 Tomsk State Pedagogical University
2 Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russian Federation

Introduction. The article deals with the problem of personality development within career guidance. The purpose of the study is to identify the characteristic features of career guidance of modern high school students based on evaluating the relationship between personal characteristics and basic values.
Materials and Methods. The study follows activity-based and systematic approaches. The main research methods include the analysis of scholarly literature devoted to the development of modern high school students, diagnostic methods including testing (emotional intelligence questionnaire “EmIn”, “Portrait value questionnaire-Revised”; questionnaire of self-organization of activity (OSD) by E. Y. Mandrikova, scales of the questionnaire “Big Five”, scales of academic motivation; scale “Rationality”; “Questionnaire of professional inclinations” by L. Yovaishi (modification of Rezapkina), as well as methods of statistical data processing (general statistics, correlation and factor analysis). The study involved 245 grade 10 students.
Results. The authors have identified the specifics of the intensity of inclinations to different types of professional activities in modern adolescents. The results of the empirical study enabled the authors to establish the relationship between personal characteristics and basic values. The factors determining the specifics of this generation have been revealed.
Conclusions. The study concludes that the majority of modern high school students do not have a pronounced inclination for any professional activity, but they are more interested in the field of communication and interaction with other people. They are open to new experiences and new events.


Career guidance; Professional activity; Personal characteristics; Student personality development; Openness to experience; Motivation for self-development; Basic values.

For citation:
Buravleva N. A., Bogomaz S. A., Karakulova O. V. Career guidance of modern high school students: Evaluating the relationship between personal characteristics and basic values. Science for Education Today, 2024, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 62–82. DOI:
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Date of the publication 31.12.2024