Education students’ readiness for academic mobility: A study of characteristics features
2 Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky
Introduction. The main research problem of the article is to obtain up-to-date knowledge about the trends in the development of readiness of Russian pedagogical universities students for academic mobility within the country.
The purpose of the article is to identify the features of Education students’ readiness for academic mobility.
Materials and Methods. The research methodology is based on the ideas of axiological, competence-based and system-activity approaches. Theoretical and empirical methods employed in this research include: theoretical analysis, synthesis, classification; online testing aimed at identifying various aspects of pedagogical university students’ readiness for academic mobility within the country; mathematical methods of data processing.
Results. The research findings include the following:
– the characteristics of pedagogical university students’ readiness for academic mobility are considered with the focus on the degree programme and as an important academic and professional quality of a future teacher, which has its own structure consisting of value-motivational, cognitive, activity, reflexive, and communicative components, and determines the development of the student’s personality;
– specific features of the structure of students' readiness for academic mobility are identified and it is proven that the communicative component is presented most clearly, whereas the cognitive component is expressed to the least extent. It was found that students who took part in academic mobility programmes are characterized by a significantly higher level of all components within academic mobility readiness;
–the study identifies the role of readiness for academic mobility in the general structure of the student’s personality and reveals no significant differences between male and female students in terms of readiness for academic mobility.
Conclusions. The authors conclude that it is necessary to take into account the content and structure of students’ readiness for academic mobility as their educationally important personal quality when organizing the educational process in a pedagogical university, as well as emphasize the importance of attracting students - future teachers to domestic academic mobility in order to develop their civic identity.
Academic mobility; Pedagogical university students; Readiness structure for academic mobility; Professional development; Personality structure; Teacher education; Author’s questionnaire.
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