Morphofunctional features of girls depending on the level of physical activity during university education
For an estimation of influence of various kinds and modes of physical improving and sports activity on morphological and functional development of students some parameters of physical development, blood circulation and respiratory systems and physical working capacity are studied. We studied the influence on the integral indicator of the health in female student of 1–4 grades in the high education institutes with different levels of sport activity. It is revealed that athletics, basketball and volleyball affect the optimization of the components of the physique, the development of muscle strength and increasing the reserve capacity of the cardiorespiratory system. It is established that independent performance of physical exercises of an aerobic orientation 1 hour per week in addition to classes in physical training authentically improves a number of indicators of cardiorespiratory system and physical working capacity. Physical improving activity in group of rhythmic gymnastics for 4 hours per week and under the program of the basic medical group does not bear positive improving effect.
students, improving physical culture, sports activity, physical development, functional condition, the integral level of health
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