Evaluating models of interaction between the pedagogical university and the regional educational system: Guidelines and expectations of the stakeholders
Introduction. Changes in the position of the pedagogical university in the regional education system determine the need to harmonize the goals and expectations of the stakeholders in order to improve the quality of their joint activities. The aim of this study is to compare the perceptions of the academic staff and the teaching staff of regional educational setting about the interaction between the pedagogical university and the regional education system, reflecting their experiences, expectations and evaluation of the interaction.
Materials and Methods. The research methodology was based on the typology of models of interaction between a pedagogical university and regional education: presence, cooperation and integration. The empirical base of the study is formed by the survey data of 2205 respondents from different regions of Russia, representing pedagogical universities and regional education systems. The respondents were asked to evaluate the involvement of a pedagogical university in the regional education system, to choose the preferred and rejected forms of interaction, to report on their direct experience of participation in the interaction between a pedagogical university and a regional education system.
Results. The findings of the study indicated that there were discrepancies in the perceptions of the utility and accessibility of diverse models of interaction among representatives of universities and regional education systems. Academic staff demonstrates a greater degree of engagement in diverse formats of interaction with regional education systems. However, their priorities diverge from the expectations espoused by representatives of the regional education. The discrepancy between the emphasis on the model of presence, which defines the core function of the university as supplying teaching staff for the education system, and its inadequate efficacy in addressing the deficit of teachers, has been identified. It has been demonstrated that respondents with greater experience of collaboration are inclined towards the integrative model of interaction and are more satisfied with its outcomes.
Conclusions. The study has demonstrated that the models of interaction between teacher education institutions and regional education systems require transformation towards greater integration and cooperation. This is necessary in order to eliminate divergent expectations and create conditions for sustainable cooperation. Strengthening coordination mechanisms, developing practice-oriented and integration formats of interaction, and creating a system for monitoring the effectiveness of interaction will facilitate this transformation.
Regional educational system; Pedagogical universities; Interaction formats; Models of interaction; Integration; Cooperation; Teaching staff
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