Science for Education Today, 2025, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 183–200

Psychological well-being of an individual within family interaction: Characteristic features determined by emotional intelligence

Shkryabko I. I. 1 (Armavir, Russian Federation), Popova A. A. 1 (Armavir, Russian Federation), Varetsa E. S. 1 (Armavir, Russian Federation), Belous O. V. 1 (Armavir, Russian Federation)
1 Armavir State Pedagogical University

Introduction. Emotional intelligence determines shaping the psychological well-being of the individual. Being in society, an individual directly interacts with it through interpersonal contacts. In a modern family, emotional satisfaction with relationships comes first.
Nowadays spouses need an understanding and caring family that creates comfort. It is emotional intelligence that determines the ability to create deep, strong family relationships and prevent the emotional burnout of spouses.
The purpose of this work is to review the nature of the influence of emotional intelligence on family relationships.
Materials and Methods. The theoretical and methodological bases of this research include Russian and international investigations on the problem of emotional intelligence (J. Meyer and P. Salovey, D. Caruso, D. Golman, I. N. Andreeva, D. V. Lyusin, etc.). In order to achieve the goal of the study, the authors used theoretical methods (analysis and generalization) and empirical methods (tests and conversations). The sample consisted of 30 married individuals (marriage duration between 7 and 17 years).
Results. The article reports the results of a theoretical study on how emotional intelligence influences family relationships. The empirical data demonstrate the practical significance of emotional intelligence in ensuring the marriage satisfaction. The obtained data on emotional intelligence can be used in counseling and psychotherapeutic practice, in couple counseling.
Conclusions. Based on the theoretical analysis of the literature and the results of the empirical research, it was found that emotional intelligence is a valuable tool for strengthening family relationships. It facilitates mutual understanding, improves emotional management and communicative skills, and creates an emotionally rich and healthy family environment. Working to develop these skills increases marriage satisfaction and generally affects feelings of success. High personal awareness and self-understanding help to understand others, create the practice of constructive dialogue, trust and respect between spouses. Mindfulness in relationships, the ability and willingness to talk to each other, to be sincere and open to dialogue is a sign of a healthy relationship.


Emotional intelligence; Family relations; Marriage satisfaction; Awareness; Crisis

For citation:
Shkryabko I. I., Popova A. A., Varetsa E. S., Belous O. V. Psychological well-being of an individual within family interaction: Characteristic features determined by emotional intelligence. Science for Education Today, 2025, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 183–200. DOI:
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Date of the publication 28.02.2025