Science for Education Today, 2024, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 258–275

Analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of organizational and instructional guidance of teaching and learning in Russian within the Sri Lankan education system

Ilyina E. A. 1 (Cheboksary, Russian Federation), Khrisanova E. G. 1 (Cheboksary, Russian Federation), Nikinina A. V. 1 (Cheboksary, Russian Federation), Danilova E. A. 1 (Cheboksary, Russian Federation), Ilina S. V. 1 (Cheboksary, Russian Federation)
1 I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University

Introduction. The article examines the problem of promoting Russian as a foreign language in educational institutions in Sri Lanka.
The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of organizational and instructional guidance of teaching and learning in Russian in the Sri Lankan education system.
Materials and Methods. The main research methods are the analysis of the educational system of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, the collection and generalization of data on the organizational and instructional support of teaching Russian as a foreign language in the schools of the country. At the diagnostic stage, questionnaires and interviews were conducted, which allowed to identify professional deficiencies and assess the professional level of Russian language teachers.
Results. The authors identified key problems in the organization of Russian-language education in Sri Lanka. The results of the survey indicate the need to develop the material and technical equipment for teaching and learning at schools, develop effective organizational mechanisms, and provide instructional support for Russian language teachers. The analysis of existing methods of teaching Russian in Sri Lankan schools shows a low level of students’ language competencies, which is due to an insufficient number of qualified Russian teachers, the lack of a system for improving their qualifications and limited access to specialized teaching materials and educational resources. The expediency of updating the existing educational program for teaching the Russian language, taking into account the cultural and educational characteristics of the country, is substantiated.
Conclusions. The research confirms the need to create a system of organizational and instructional support for teaching Russian as a foreign language in secondary schools in Sri Lanka, which will improve the quality of teaching and learning in the country and will contribute to strengthening bilateral humanitarian cooperation.


Russian as a foreign language; Russian language abroad promotion; The Sri Lankan education system; Methodological support; Organizational support; Education quality.

For citation:
Ilyina E. A., Khrisanova E. G., Nikinina A. V., Danilova E. A., Ilina S. V. Analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of organizational and instructional guidance of teaching and learning in Russian within the Sri Lankan education system. Science for Education Today, 2024, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 258–275. DOI:
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Date of the publication 31.12.2024