Science for Education Today, 2024, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 231–257

Evaluating dynamics of developing motivation for improving foreign language competence among doctoral students pursuing non-linguistic programmes

Goncharova N. A. 1 (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation), Khaitova A. I. 1 (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation), Oshkordina A. A. 1 (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation), Makarova E. N. 1 (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation)
1 Ural State University of Economics

Introduction. In modern socio-economic situation organization and implementation of the educational process for doctoral students majoring in non-linguistic fields can by characterized by insufficient motivation for studying foreign languages. One of the trends in the formation of the motivational field in modern doctoral students is a comprehensive assessment of the dynamics of motives development for improving foreign language competence. In addition, one of the most crucial tasks today is to attract university graduates to pursue advanced academic degrees. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary not only to improve the economic component of research and professional activities, but also to increase the motivational potential of degree programs, including programs for mastering foreign language competence. The purpose of the study is to identify interdependent relationships and interdependencies between the motives for improving foreign language competence and various methods of teaching a foreign language to doctoral students doing non-linguistic degrees.
Materials and Methods. The methodological basis of this study includes international and Russian scholarly works in linguistic, psychological, educational and methodological fields. In addition, the study is based on data obtained by means of a survey, as well as analysis of curricula, syllabi and other regulatory documents of the regional University of Economics. Methods of mathematical statistics, the method of grouping and comparison, the historical and logical method, as well as socio-psychological methods have been applied in the study.
Results. Based on evaluating the dynamics of motives development for improving foreign language competence in doctoral students of non-linguistic programmes, the authors identified interdependent connections and contradictions between the motives for improving foreign language competence and various methods of teaching a foreign language to doctoral students of non-linguistic majors. Recommendations aimed at increasing the effectiveness of forming a motivational field in studying foreign languages by doctoral students based on a learner-centered approach were developed, which allowed the authors to differentiate syllabi in accordance with the level of doctoral students’ language proficiency, as well as to maintain continuity of their foreign language education.
Conclusions. In order to form a motivational field in studying foreign languages among doctoral students of non-linguistic programmes, the authors clarified specifics of the formation of doctoral students’ motivation to improve foreign language proficiency, which were used for developing recommendations for foreign language teaching. According to the authors, implementation of the obtained results into the educational process will contribute to developing doctoral students’ motivation to study foreign languages. The obtained data can contribute to the design of encouraging curricula for mastering foreign languages, which will ensure sustainable foreign language competence of doctoral students and add attractiveness to doctoral studies for Russian university graduates.


Educational process; Developing doctoral students’ motivation; Foreign language competence; Learner-centered approach; Teaching methods

For citation:
Goncharova N. A., Khaitova A. I., Oshkordina A. A., Makarova E. N. Evaluating dynamics of developing motivation for improving foreign language competence among doctoral students pursuing non-linguistic programmes. Science for Education Today, 2024, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 231–257. DOI:
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Date of the publication 31.12.2024