Monitoring of physical development and health of pupils of the Pavlodar region
The article analyzes the results of a comprehensive study of the morphological indicators of urban and rural children aged 7–15 years in Pavlodar region. Purpose of the article is to monitor the physical development and health of pupils 7–15 years in Pavlodar oblast. The study found relatively large body size in all-out urban children compared to rural counterparts. It was identified the adipose and muscle components of body composition in children and adolescents. Urban children have higher rates of back-fat, active body mass and muscle strength compared to rural pupils. Based on a sample RWC 170 physical performance and aerobic capacity of children and adolescents aged 7–15 years were set. Rural pupils have a set of higher rates of physical capacity and aerobic performance. Finally, author gives the results of monitoring the pupils’ development and health in Pavlodar region.
morphfunctional indicators, urban and rural children, fat and muscle components, physical performance, and aerobic performance
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