Science for Education Today, 2022, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 77–98

Developing soft skills in high school students using digital tools

Ryleeva A. S. 1 (Kurgan, Russian Federation), Homutnikova E. A. 2 (Kurgan, Russian Federation), Emanova S. V. 2 (Kurgan, Russian Federation)
1 Kurgan State University
2 Kurgan State University, Kurgan

Introduction. The article presents an overview of the research on developing soft skills in high school students, research findings on the assessment of universal competencies in high school students and the search for approaches to the development of universal competencies in high school students by means of using digital tools.
The purpose of the study is to evaluate the level of soft skills among high school students and to justify the implementation of practical procedures within the framework of a digital learning environment.
Materials and Methods. In order to assess the level of soft skills (e.g. emotional intelligence and self-monitoring) in Russian ninth graders (n=400) the authors applied the following general research methods: analysis, synthesis, and reviewing research literature. Empirical methods including M.Snyder’s Self-monitoring scale and Thomas–Kilmann’s inventory were used to reveal the types of behaviors for handling conflicts. The authors developed practical procedures aimed at enhancing self-control, communication and cooperation skills, and emotional intelligence, using Lift to Future and educational platforms.
The research methodology was based on the competence approach (A. M. Aronov, A. V. Barannikov, A. G. Burmus, I. A. Zimnaya, A. V. Khutorskoy) and modern approaches related to the problem of digitalization of education (Ya. A. Vahramenko, A. P. Ershov, I. V. Robert, S. A. Tanganyan).
Results. The study revealed the main deficiencies in soft skills among the surveyed 9th graders. The authors identified invariant (lack of self-reflection, lack of motivation for self-development, unwillingness to change) and variable difficulties that impede the development of soft skills in ninth graders and are associated with individual personality traits: lack of self-confidence, excessive ambitions and desires, emotional immaturity, and increased fatigue.
The study revealed a low level of emotional intelligence in 50 % of the respondents and a low level of cooperation skills in 75 % of the respondents. The authors presented a range of practical procedures based on using digital tools, which contributed to the development of soft skills indicators in high school students. The study suggests that measures aimed at enhancing soft skills should include both group and individual activities and take into account invariant and variable negative factors. The authors enrich the term ‘digital literacy’ with new content.
Conclusions. Finally, the authors emphasize that digital tools contributed to maintaining motivation and increasing digital literacy in all the participants of the experiment.


Soft skills; Universal competencies; Emotional intelligence; Self-monitoring skills; Digital literacy; Digital tools.


For citation:
Ryleeva A. S., Homutnikova E. A., Emanova S. V. Developing soft skills in high school students using digital tools. Science for Education Today, 2022, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 77–98. DOI:

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Date of the publication 28.02.2022