Science for Education Today, 2020, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 178–195
373.1 +371.7 +613. 955+613.956

Functional state of schoolchildren’s adaptation system in conditions of separation from mobile communication devices

Novikova I. I. 1 (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation), Romanenko S. P. 1 (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation), Lobkis M. A. 2 (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation), Ivleva G. P. 1 (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation), Zubtsovskaya N. A. 1 (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation), Savchenko O. A. 3 (Omsk, Russian Federation), Sorokina A. V. 1 (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation)
1 Novosibirsk Research Institute of Hygiene
2 Novosibirsk Research Institute of Hygiene of the Federal Service for Supervision of Human Welfare
3 Omsk tank-automotive engineering Institute

Introduction. The article examines the problem of creating healthy learning environments for children and adolescents. The purpose of this research is to identify the characteristics of functional state of schoolchildren’s adaptation system in conditions of limited use of mobile communication devices.
Materials and Methods. Data for this study were collected using a hygiene experiment. The sample consisted of 355 schoolchildren. The observation group (n=155) included students separated from their mobile communication devices. The control group consisted of 180 students.
The study involved evaluating the functional state of the adaptive capacity of compensatory adaptive mechanisms using generally accepted R. M. Baevsky’s method, modified for the purposes of the research. The identified indicators were subjected to statistical processing. The authors employed the following methods of theoretical research: comparison, formalization, generalization and system analysis.

Results. The authors provide an international overview of interventions aimed at reducing mobile phone use in educational settings. The relationship between the state of schoolchildren’s adaptation mechanisms within all age groups and indicators of the cardiovascular system in conditions of separation from mobile communication devices was studied. The authors focus on the values of schoolchildren’s adaptive capacity in conditions of free use of mobile phones during the school day compared to the values obtained in conditions of smartphone separation. The study reveals the correlation between the activity and sensitivity of vegetative regulation of heart rate and gender and age characteristics.
Conclusions. The research findings confirm the effectiveness of the restrictions imposed on the use of personal mobile communication devices at comprehensive schools. The authors conclude that limited use of mobile communication devices prevents reducing adaptive capacity of the child's body, therefore it reduces the risk of fatigue and pathological changes.


Healthy learning environments; Schoolchildren; Mobile communication devices; Hemodynamic parameters; Adaptive capacity; Education settings; Strain; Compensatory adaptive functions; Cardiovascular system.


Prominence Percentile SciVal: 99.883 Internet Use | Addiction | Gaming

Functional state of schoolchildren’s adaptation system in conditions of separation from mobile communication devices

For citation:
Novikova I. I., Romanenko S. P., Lobkis M. A., Ivleva G. P., Zubtsovskaya N. A., Savchenko O. A., Sorokina A. V. Functional state of schoolchildren’s adaptation system in conditions of separation from mobile communication devices. Science for Education Today, 2020, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 178–195. DOI:
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Date of the publication 31.10.2020