Science for Education Today, 2020, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 75–90

Developing coping skills for managing difficult situations in the future workplace of senior undergraduate students by means of reflexive seminars

Kargina A. E. 1 (Kemerovo, Russian Federation), Morozova I. S. 1 (Kemerovo, Russian Federation), Medovikova E. A. 1 (Kemerovo, Russian Federation), Grinenko D. N. 1 (Kemerovo, Russian Federation)
1 Kemerovo State University

Introduction. The article focuses on the development of coping skills to deal with difficult situations in the future workplace of senior students pursuing undergraduate degrees in Technosphere Safety. The purpose of the article is to evaluate the effectiveness of reflexive seminars as a means of fostering undergraduate students’ coping skills in the final year of studies.
Materials and Methods. For this study, the authors used the following methods of data collection: S. S. Goncharov’s ‘Ways of managing negative situations’, R. Lazarus’s ‘Coping strategies’, ‘Index of life style’ (L. I. Wasserman, O. F. Eryshev, etc.), and ‘Uncompleted sentence’ technique. The sample consisted of 48 senior students pursuing their degrees in Technosphere Safety. The data obtained were interpreted and statistically analyzed using the Student’s t-test.
Results. The study clarifies the concept of ‘a difficult life situation’. The research participants (senior students) described it as a state of anxiety about the result. The findings of the study suggest that reflexive seminars contribute to acquiring flexible coping skills for managing difficult situations by senior students in the final year at university.
Conclusions. The authors conclude that reflexive seminars enable future technosphere security professionals to take responsibility for solving problems. The obtained results can be used in designing programs to prepare students for the future career.

For citation:
Kargina A. E., Morozova I. S., Medovikova E. A., Grinenko D. N. Developing coping skills for managing difficult situations in the future workplace of senior undergraduate students by means of reflexive seminars. Science for Education Today, 2020, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 75–90. DOI:
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Date of the publication 31.08.2020