Science for Education Today, 2020, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 57–72

Extrapolation of terms as a factor contributing to the appropriate epistemic development of education glossary

Korzhuev A. V. 1 (Moscow, Russian Federation), Sadikova A. R. 2 (Moscow, Russian Federation), Ikrennikova Y. B. 3 (Moscow, Russian Federation), Ryazanova E. L. 1 (Moscow, Russian Federation)
1 I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation
2 Moscow City Pedagogical University
3 K.G. Razumovsky Moscow state University of Technologies and Management

Introduction. Recent decades have seen intensive extrapolation of concepts belonging to various fields of knowledge to the field of education, which has determined a wide range of problems within educational terminology. The purpose of this article is to identify the specifics of extrapolation of concepts as a factor contributing to the appropriate epistemic development of education glossary.
Materials and Methods. The study was conducted using the following methods (1) reviewing a number of international, refereed studies into the issues of glossaries within various fields of knowledge; (2)revealing and summarizing the criteria for the epistemic appropriateness of terminology within social sciences and humanities; (3) identification of factors contributing to epistemically normalized development of education glossary; (4) development of a theoretical project devoted to appropriate “educational borrowings” of terms and clichés from other fields of knowledge.
Results. Using a grounded theory approach, the article categorizes positive and negative outcomes of the extrapolation of the concepts belonging to various fields of knowledge to education. The authors introduce a theoretical criterion of “appropriate terminological extrapolation” constructed as a synthesis of the following stylistically expressed requirements: ‘correspondence between secondary and original interpretation of meanings’, ‘integration of the extrapolated concept in the field of education’, and ‘constructive and creative focus’.
Conclusions. The study identified the following criteria for appropriate extrapolation of terminology: (1) correspondence between “educational focus” of the term extrapolated from other fields and its original meaning; (2) integration of the borrowed term in the field of education; (3) new meaning and capacity to function and reveal meaning components in the field of education; (4) possibility of the term to be integrated in the constructive development of education.


Scientific terms; Content field; Extrapolation of concepts; Criteria for extrapolation appropriateness; Extrapolated term and its original meaning; Constructive terminological development of education.


Prominence Percentile SciVal: 97.451 Argumentation | Scientific Literacy | Science Education

Extrapolation of terms as a factor contributing to the appropriate epistemic development of education glossary

For citation:
Korzhuev A. V., Sadikova A. R., Ikrennikova Y. B., Ryazanova E. L. Extrapolation of terms as a factor contributing to the appropriate epistemic development of education glossary. Science for Education Today, 2020, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 57–72. DOI:
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Date of the publication 30.04.2020