Science for Education Today, 2020, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 149–173

Development of environmental thinking and lean manufacturing skills in the course of mobile robotics

Soboleva E. V. 1 (Kirov, Russian Federation), Isupova N. I. 1 (Kirov, Russian Federation), Karaulova L. V. 2 (Kirov, Russian Federation), Nimatulaev M. M. 3 (Moscow, Russian Federation)
1 Vyatka State University
2 Kirov State Medical University
3 Federal state educational budget institution of higher education “Financial University under The Government of the Russian Federation ”

Introduction. The authors investigate the problem of developing innovative thinking among students in the field of Information Technologies. The purpose of the study is to reveal the characteristics of developing environmental thinking and lean manufacturing skills in the course of mobile robotics.
Materials and Methods. The research methodology is based on reviewing and analysis of scholarly literature on digital transformation of society, mobile learning, educational robotics, the use of software tools for development of thinking. The authors apply the methods of educational and psychological research. The empirical research is aimed at assessing personal traits, qualities and skills relevant for environmental thinking, which is a future-oriented competence.
Results. The importance of clarifying the concepts of ‘environmental thinking’ and ‘lean manufacturing’ is justified precisely in the context of using mobile robotics for various sectors of the digital economy as the basis for preparing sought-after professionals. The authors examine the characteristic features of using mobile technologies in order to improve the effectiveness of training in a digital school and career guidance. They contain organizational, methodological and technical aspects of mentoring activities. The study emphasizes the main factor, which determines the possibility of using mobile robotics resources to support the conditions for developing environmental thinking and resource conservation skills, as the bases for the introduction of innovations and meeting the challenges of automation, globalization, and competitiveness. The characteristic features of developing environmental thinking and lean manufacturing skills are revealed and illustrated by ‘smart’ design solutions, which meet the challenges of global digital transformation.
Conclusions. The article summarizes the characteristic features of developing ecological thinking and lean production skills in the course of designing a mobile automated device in the context of students’ creative, interdisciplinary, cognitive and research activities aimed at training highly qualified professionals for the future economy.


Mobile applications; Training; Digital technologies; Robotic systems; Cross-industry communication; Performance improvement; Resource conservation; Cross-professional competences.


Prominence Percentile SciVal: 99.498 Education For Sustainability | Higher Education Institutions | Sustainability Science and Engineering


Development of environmental thinking and lean manufacturing skills in the course of mobile robotics

For citation:
Soboleva E. V., Isupova N. I., Karaulova L. V., Nimatulaev M. M. Development of environmental thinking and lean manufacturing skills in the course of mobile robotics. Science for Education Today, 2020, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 149–173. DOI:
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Date of the publication 29.02.2020