Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin, 2013, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 92–99

Using elements of the nomadic culture (voylokovalyaniya) in the sensory development of children with cerebral palsy

Dinmuhamedova A. S. 1 (Pavlodar, Republic of Kazakhstan), Gabdulhaeva B. B. 1 (Pavlodar, Republic of Kazakhstan), Kabieva S. Z. 1 (Pavlodar , Republic of Kazakhstan), Reznik L. V. 1 (Pavlodar , Republic of Kazakhstan), Darzuman G. K. 1 (Pavlodar , Republic of Kazakhstan)
1 Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute

The article discusses the features of the remedial work with children with cerebral palsy. It is shown that the inclusion of content rehabilitation unit classes "Voylokovalyanie" leads to a general improvement in psychomotor development of children surveyed, in particular sensory development, which creates the necessary preconditions for the formation of mental functions, kinesthetic, kinetic and other sensations. The block of training allows children to develop skills in a variety of instruments and appliances for the manufacture of products made of wool to form creativity in the process of creating an artistic image of the technique voylokovalyaniya, foster respect for the traditions of national culture and the work of craftsmen, hard work and perseverance.


voylokovalyanie, sensory development in children, fine motor skills, tactile sensitivity, stimulation of creativity, national culture, national craft

For citation:
Dinmuhamedova A. S., Gabdulhaeva B. B., Kabieva S. Z., Reznik L. V., Darzuman G. K. Using elements of the nomadic culture (voylokovalyaniya) in the sensory development of children with cerebral palsy. Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin, 2013, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 92–99.

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Date of the publication 20.06.2013