Science for Education Today, 2019, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 108–125

Distant student-teacher interaction based on modern information and communication technologies

Fedorova G. A. 1 (Omsk, Russian Federation), Ragulina M. I. 1 (Omsk, Russian Federation), Udalov S. R. 1 (Omsk, Russian Federation), Lapchik M. P. 2 (Omsk, Russian Federation)
1 Omsk State Pedagogical University
2 Corresponding author, Omsk State Pedagogical University

Introduction. The article addresses the problem of enhancing practice-oriented learning of undergraduate students in the context of purposeful development of additional communicative components of their ICT-competence. The purpose of the study is to reveal the conditions for the development of distant student-teacher interaction based on modern information and communication technologies.
Materials and Methods. Methodological basis for the study is composed of activity, environmental, competence-based approaches to learning. Purposefully organized educational process with the participation of students and teachers is based on the systematic use of network communications. Dynamics of developing ICT-competence of undergraduate students was evaluated by means of pedagogical experiment based on the following methods: tests; assessment of performing problem-solving tasks; questionnaires; identification of the individual level of student`s teaching abilities and creative productivity by means of observation.
Results. The authors revealed special communicative ICT-competencies and corresponding educational outcomes and developed methods of distant creative student-teacher interaction within the framework of implementing educational, methodological and research projects. The research showed that didactic conditions created for practice-oriented learning of undergraduate education students based on distant cooperation with practicing teachers and aimed at mastering and using modern information and communication technologies in real educational process of schools ensure the positive dynamics of developing ICT-competence of prospective teachers. The effectiveness of the proposed approach for the development of special communicative ICT-competencies in future bachelors of education was proved experimentally, as well as their positive motivation to learn about the innovative aspects of modern schools and the nature of teaching profession.
Conclusions. The authors summarize the conditions for the effective development of distant student-teacher interaction on the basis of modern information and communication technologies.


Bachelor of education; ICT-competence; Virtual creative groups; Distant technologies; Practice-oriented training; Information educational environment; Social partnership.


Prominence Percentile SciVal: 98.749 Technology Integration | Pre-service Teachers | IPAD

Distant student-teacher interaction based on modern information and communication technologies

For citation:
Fedorova G. A., Ragulina M. I., Udalov S. R., Lapchik M. P. Distant student-teacher interaction based on modern information and communication technologies. Science for Education Today, 2019, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 108–125. DOI:
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Date of the publication 30.04.2019