Science for Education Today, 2019, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 200–214

Nurturing cultural attitudes within the framework of multicultural education

Uaikhanova M. A. 1 (Pavlodar, Republic of Kazakhstan), Ushakova N. M. 1 (Pavlodar, Republic of Kazakhstan)
1 S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University

Introduction. The article presents the research on the problem of personal development in the terms of nurturing personality’s value-notional sphere based on culturological approach to education. The aim of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of developing personality’s culturological attitudes within the framework of multicultural education.
Materials and Methods. The culturological approach in education has become the methodological basis of the study. The research methods include analysis of scientific literature, questionnaires, observation, studying students’ works, analysis and scientific interpretation of the collected data, comparative and contrastive methods, and ascertaining, forming, and control educational experiments.
Results. The authors have revealed the main ways of developing individual experience of value-notional attitudes to oneself and the world in the educational process and identified the criteria for evaluating the levels of their development. The authors argue that education, oriented to the development of the personality’s emotional-value attitudes to the world and oneself, contributes to nurturing culturological position, which structure includes value-notional, value-active, and emotional-value components. Individual’s culturological attitudes are developing throughout the life-course influenced by a range of different factors, including the educational ones. Within the framework of education there are basic ways of developing individual experience of value-notional attitudes to oneself and the world, taking into account age-specific factors and sociocultural situations, which should be considered in the educational process.
Conclusions. The authors conclude about the peculiarities of developing personality’s culturological position within the framework of multicultural education.


Culturological attitudes; Criteria for evaluating; The levels of personal attitudes; Culturological approach; Emotional-value attitude; Value-notional sphere; Personal development.


Prominence Percentile SciVal: 98.337 Critical Race Theory | Testimonio | Intercultural Education

Nurturing cultural attitudes within the framework of multicultural education

For citation:
Uaikhanova M. A., Ushakova N. M. Nurturing cultural attitudes within the framework of multicultural education. Science for Education Today, 2019, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 200–214. DOI:
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Date of the publication 30.04.2019