Formation of new anthropological project of the modern education in the context of non-classical philosophy
Introduction. The author investigates the problem of rethinking the Western European classical heritage by the philosophy of education. The purpose of the research is to reveal the potential of non-classical philosophy to the formation of a new anthropological project of modern education.
Materials and Methods. The author uses methods of analysis and synthesis studying the genesis and evolution of education in different historical epochs: from Antiquity to the present day. The method of comparative analysis is applied to comparing and revealing the differences between anthropological projects of classical and nonclassical philosophy as ways of connecting man and education. The categories of Plato’s ‘taking care of the self’ and M. Foucault's ‘techniques of the self’ are explicated.
Results. The connection between human evolution and transformation of education is clarified. The author analyses the changes of anthropological projects in the context of education evolution from Antiquity to the present day and compares Plato and M. Foucault’s practices of ‘taking care of the self’’. The potential of nonclassical philosophy to form a new anthropological project of modern education is revealed.
Conclusions. It is concluded that the new anthropological project of education is different from classical projects which were based on the “ascent” to a single form, to the ideal, the model, the norm, the meaning, and the truth (Eidos - God - Beauty - Experience - Racio - Will). The main anthropological idea of modern university education is the strategy of self-determination, self-development and self-actualization of a learner.
Human Evolution; Philosophy of education; Evolution of education; Transformation of education; New anthropological project; Self-determination; Self-actualization.
74.917 Martin Heidegger | Vilnius | Russian Philosopher
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