Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin, 2017, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 152–174

Inclusive education: Theoretical and methodological discourse (an international review)

Furyaeva T. V. 1 (Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation)
1 V. P. Astaf'ev Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University

Introduction. The article addresses the problem of developing theoretical and methodological bases of inclusive education. The purpose of this comparative study is to reveal the essence, trends and concepts of foreign inclusive education.
Materials and Methods. The methodology is based on the ideas of Russian comparative education studies, implementing descriptive, explanatory and predictive function education theory, as well as, learner-centered, activity-based, and cultural-historical approaches. The author used the methods of phenomenological description, interpretation, comparison, inductive, hypothetical-inductive, problem-based and comparative analysis of the works of leading educators and researchers, as well as, and educational documents and reports of various levels for the previous twenty years .
Results. The author ascertained theoretical and methodological framework of inclusive discourse in the form of two dominant methodological approaches: systemic-ecological and philosophical person-centered. Four basic educational concepts of integrating children with special needs into society (educational activity-based, social-ecological, interactive, anthropological and ethical) are characterized. The author clarifies the essence of new interpretations of educational notions and illustrates the main concepts of inclusive education.
Conclusions. The author substantiates a significant reorientation in the interpretation of leading educational concepts, traces the evolution in the development of inclusive education, in which the concepts of damage and violation are being by activity and participation. Four concepts of integrating children with special education needs into society identified and introduced by the author indicate the multiconceptual nature of foreign educational theory, the trend towards their convergence within the framework of such leading methodological approaches as systemic-ecological and philosophical-anthropological.


Integration; Inclusion; Systemic-ecological approach; Philosophical-anthropological approach; Concept of integration; Classification of violations; Educational support; Special educational needs; Life situation

99.370 Pedagogical Support | Educational Process | Professional Competence

Inclusive education: Theoretical and methodological discourse (an international review)

For citation:
Furyaeva T. V. Inclusive education: Theoretical and methodological discourse (an international review). Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin, 2017, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 152–174. DOI:
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Date of the publication 30.12.2017