Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin, 2017, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 196–208

Category of taxis in linguistics (on the basis of German statements with prepositional deverbatives)

Arkhipova I. V. 1 (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation)
1 Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

Introduction. The research goal of the article is the description of special grammatical category of taxis in domestic linguistics and the definition of the structure of this category in modern German.
Materials and Methods. The main research methods in this article are the method of analysis and the descriptive method. In addition, to identify the structure of the taxis category, we used a combined onomato-semasiological principle of language phenomena studying.
Results. The article deals with the grammatical category of taxis in Russian linguistics. Particular attention is paid to the consideration of this grammatical category in German within the framework of the functional semantic concept proposed by the Russian linguist A. V. Bondarko. In addition, the structure of the taxis category was defined in modern German language and a special mean for forming of relations of dependent taxis, such as the German prepositional-deverbative constructions, was identified.
Conclusion. According to functional-semantic concept, taxis is considered in modern German as a functional and semantic field with a complex polycentric structure, suggesting the allocation of two micro-fields: micro-field of independent taxis and the micro-field of dependent taxis (with central and peripheral components).
German statements with prepositional-deverbative constructions are defined by us as a special mean for taxis function implementing. These statements are constituents of the functional-semantic field of the dependent taxis of modern German. The center of this field is formed by statements with prepositional deverbatives with prepositions of the differentiated time values während, vor, nach and seit, and the periphery include statements with prepositions of polycentric semantics in, bei, mit and unter.


Grammatical category; Taxis; Independent taxis; Dependent taxis; Functional-semantic field of taxis; Prepositional verbal nouns

Category of taxis in linguistics (on the basis of German statements with prepositional deverbatives)

For citation:
Arkhipova I. V. Category of taxis in linguistics (on the basis of German statements with prepositional deverbatives). Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin, 2017, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 196–208. DOI:
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Date of the publication 31.08.2017