Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin, 2012, vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 115–122

Anthropocentric myth and poetic paradigm in N.A.Zabolotsky's poem "Forward" and the peculiarities of the translation of the poem into English

Kretova L. N. 1 (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation)
1 Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University

The article is devoted to the problem of translation of myth and poetic lexicon into English. The existence of culturological and mythological implication in the text of the poem makes the translation process of poetic work rather difficult. Nevertheless there are general mythological components of the image of the head from the genealogical point of view which allows to keep mythological implication when translating. The Leaning on «The Dictionary of the Mythological Symbolics in Indo-European Languages», we allocated the following components of an image of the head: the symbol of sky, the symbol of harmony of space, the symbol of the world tree and the symbol of sanctity. N. Zabolotsky's text of the poem is devoted to the situation of loss of the head, therefore, is connected with semantics of loss: sanctity; communications with the divine; harmonies; creative beginning; reproduction. Emergence of lexicon with a general meaning «spheres having a form» allows to perceive the head of the forward through a prism of other spherical components of the text: grapes, sphere (ball), sphere (globe), sphere (ball), sphere (ball of threads) etc.
In the process of translation of the text the following components of the original are changed: the homonymy of lexical units of the text (a sphere as the head and a sphere – as the globe) disappears; semantics of sanctity and its loss in connection with loss by the forward of the head is supported, but semantics of expansion of space and an exit out of limits of internal space doesn't remain; semantics of the mad head sphere is lost, being transformed to semantics of a ball for game; the ratio man's and a feminine changes.


myth and poetic paradigm, translation, culturological implication.

For citation:
Kretova L. N. Anthropocentric myth and poetic paradigm in N.A.Zabolotsky's poem "Forward" and the peculiarities of the translation of the poem into English. Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin, 2012, vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 115–122.

1. Kretova L.N. Elements of idiolektny semantics in N.A. Zabolotsky's early lyrics and problems of translation of the poetic text on English. Novosibirsk: Publishing house of NGPU, 2011. In Russian.
2. Zabolotsky N. A. Football. Available at: (Accessed 20.10.2012).
3. Makovsky M. M. The Comparative Dictionary of Mythological Symbolics in Indo-European Languages. Image of the World and Worlds of Images. Moscow, 1996. 416 p. In Russian.
4. Polyan A. Mandelstam's Poetry about Sports and Zabolotsky's "Football": Coincidence or Imitation? – Available at: (Accessed 20.06.2012).

Date of the publication 30.10.2012