Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin, 2016, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 34–48

Psychophysiological and vegetative provision of adaptation to the conditions of the educational process of 6-8 year-old children with signs of attention deficit disorder

Krivosheina N. P. 1 (Kemerovo, Russian Federation), Fedorov A. I. 2 (Kemerovo, Russian Federation), Koshko N. N. 1 (Kemerovo, Russian Federation), Kazin E. M. 2 (Kemerovo, Russian Federation), Sviridova I. A. 1 (Kemerovo, Russian Federation)
1 Kuzbass Regional Center of the psychology and pedagogical, medical and social care, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
2 Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, Russian Federation

The article presents the results of studying psychophysiological and vegetative indicators of 6-8 year-old children within preschool and general education settings in Kemerovo (Russia), including children in care. The research identified a number of children with signs of attention deficit disorder that enabled the authors to divide the study population into two groups: subjects with signs of attention deficit disorder and ones without signs of attention deficit disorder. The results indicate differences in neurodynamic, psychodynamic and vegetative indicators between pre-school age children and primary school age children. It is established that irrespective of age children with signs of attention deficit disorder are characterized by authentically lower level of mental functions development, low rate of visual and motor reactions, smaller steadiness of nervous processes, with prevalence of processes of inhibition in the central nervous system. The study population with attention deficit disorder demonstrated higher degree of strain in mechanisms of vegetative regulation. The children who do not have signs of attention deficit disorder demonstrated higher level of psychophysiological indicators and mainly balanced or parasympathetic influence on a cordial rhythm and satisfactory functional conditions.


advanced preschool and younger school age, signs of deficiency of attention, neurodynamic and psychodynamic indicators, vegetative providing, functional state, adaptation process

Psychophysiological and vegetative provision of adaptation to the conditions of the educational process of 6-8 year-old children with signs of attention deficit disorder

For citation:
Krivosheina N. P., Fedorov A. I., Koshko N. N., Kazin E. M., Sviridova I. A. Psychophysiological and vegetative provision of adaptation to the conditions of the educational process of 6-8 year-old children with signs of attention deficit disorder. Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin, 2016, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 34–48. DOI:
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Date of the publication 31.10.2016