Business knowledge society: scientific and educational development priorities (overview of the problem)
2 Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
This article presents an overview of the basic research on the problem of economic development of the knowledge society from the perspective of research and educational priorities. Relate not only to the concept of the information society and knowledge society, but also economic factors of their development.
Emphasizes the need for systematic study of these problems: the higher the degree of regularity in the solution of problems, the better the solution of practical problems. Processes of scientific and technological changes have resulted in the information society. The Information Society is understood to mean a society where information has become the most important resource, production and distribution of which is essential (socially and personally meaningful) economic, political and cultural activities. Information sphere, being a factor which modern society. Speaking of the knowledge society, first of all, means the significance of scientific and technical knowledge for all aspects of the transformation of social life. Economy based on knowledge – it's the economy, creating, distributing and using knowledge in a variety of forms, with the knowledge enriches all industries, all sectors and all participants in economic processes. As part of the knowledge economy are created in the form of scientific and high-tech products, high-quality services, and education.
knowledge society, information society, the economy of the knowledge society, science and education, systemic, economic processes
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