Meta text indicators of the example/argument introduction: the dictionary and language usage
The article is devoted to meta text means in modern Russian language, namely to the indicators of the example / argument introduction. It considers the reflection of meta text means in dictionaries and in speech of the modern native speakers. The tendency of non-normative use of word combinations with the lexeme пример, which is the lack of distinction between semantics of the combinations приводить / привести пример and приводить / привести в пример, is analyzed. Based on the analysis of dictionary entries, speech material and experimental data the reasons and consequences of this phenomenon are identified. Particular attention is paid to the interpretation of statements with the indicators of the example / argument introduction, in terms of identifying efforts of the context aimed at differentiating meanings of the studied combinations. There described a number of problems related to the misuse of combinations привести / приво-дить пример and привести / приводить в пример, including the problem of semantic compatibility, when the combinations used are varying degrees of deviations from the patterns in dictionary entries, and ignorance of grammatical compatibility of the elements under consideration, as well as some other problems in most cases of composite nature. Based on the findings the need for further understanding of the meta elements of the Russian language in terms of codification and standardization is emphasized in the article.
Meta text, meta element, norm, contamination, interpretation
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