About one of the active processes in the field of the connectors
The article is dedicated to dynamic aspects in the field of connectors. The purpose of the article is to consider the connectors in the field approach and as a dynamic system. The author represents the connectors as the field structure, distinguishing the centre, short-and long-periphery. A significant part of the article focuses on that part of the zone short periphery of the connectors, which is the intersection with the field of parenthesises and open a dynaset. The author of the article analyses the relations between the connectors and the parenthesises as the active process and pays attention to two aspects of this process: 1) creation of hybrids, due to the syncretic nature of this language unit; 2) the transition from one lexico-grammatical category to another. In article on the basis of analysis of regulatory publications on punctuation it is shown that in the publications of punctuation contains implicit information about the above mentioned processes. Summing up, the author comes to the conclusion that the corpus of multifunctional lexical units is changing by means of the formation of new conjunctions and hybrids, combining properties as the connectors, and the parenthesises.
connectors, parenthesis, active processes, punctuation.
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