Proposals on implementation of the concept of development of mathematical education in Russian Federation
The Concept in question was accepted by the Government of the Russian Federation on December, 24th, 2013 (№ 2506-r). Its fulfillment will encourage our economic growth, ensure our national security and stimulate creation of modern high technologies. The paper contains proposals on such aspects of the new concept as: pupils, teachers and training of the future teachers of mathematics:
1) to reduce the volume of the information studied, to facilitate school curricula without damage for creative thinking
"Education consists not in quantity of knowledge, but in full understanding and skillful application of everything you know" (A. Diesterweg);
2) to change the curriculum of Teachers’ Training Universities, using the experience of the Soviet Union, when our education system was in the world’s top five, to increase class hours for mathematics, to reduce or dispose of the hours for Civil Defense, Physical Training, Psychology and Pedagogics.
Some Russian reformers of education are like snipers who shoot at your back. The real "importance" of these people is described by one of Murphy's laws on friendly fire, so they are more dangerous than enemies.
3) to allow students, Masters and post-graduates to participate in elaborating the certificate of quality for Masters of Mathematics
development of mathematical education, masters of mathematics, resource centers of competence development.
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12. The order of RF Government no. 2506-p dated 24 December 2013, “the Concept of development of mathematical education in the Russian Federation”.