Problems and aims of health care activity in the education system at the present stage
2 Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
3 Kemerovo Regional psychological valeological center, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
In article the main problems of health care activity in an education system, such as: low level of professional competence of pedagogical workers and scientifically–methodical, material, information base; unsatisfactory use of health care activity – potential of some educational programs; absence of the mechanism of departmental and interdepartmental – cooperation, backwardness of standard–legal base are considered.
Urgent problems for the decision of these problems are put and the basic directions of activity of the created coordination councilon health of pupils and teachers within the frame of Advisory council on health and physical training of the State Duma of the Russian Federation at Committee of Education are defined. In article results of inter-regional coordination meeting in Kemerovo (on October, 14–15th, 2013), devoted to solution of these problems are stated.
health care activity, an education system, inter-regional coordination council
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