Science for Education Today, 2024, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 7–31

Assessment of generic competences for foreign-language professional communication through applying the ADDIE model

Kulamikhina I. V. 1 (Omsk, Russian Federation), Kanunnikova N. V. 1 (Omsk, Russian Federation), Golubovskaya E. A. 2 (Moscow, Russian Federation), Arupova N. R. 3 (Moscow, Russian Federation)
1 Omsk State Agrarian University Named after P. A. Stolypin
2 RUDN University named after Patrice Lumumba

Introduction. The paper aims to assess generic competencies for foreign-language professional communication formed through applying the ADDIE model. The goal of the study was to identify the way generic competencies are developed throughout the ESL course for veterinary students based on the authors’ implementation of the ADDIE model.
Materials and Methods. The research was based on theoretical review of literature, comparative analysis of sources, terminological analysis, and investigation of teaching practices. The ADDIE method of instructional modeling was used as a fundamental research approach taken to designing a teaching aid and developing a training course, respectively. While testing, a sample of 59 first-year veterinary students and 5 lecturers of the Foreign Language Department at Omsk State Agrarian University were involved. In order to collect and study the research data, the authors applied the following evaluation methods: observation, survey and testing of students. The academic outcomes were evaluated by examining dynamics of foreign language communicative competence by expert teachers. The Wilcoxon T-test and Fisher test were used as mathematical statistics methods.
Results. The authors applied the ADDIE instructional model to design a professional communication course in English for veterinary students based on competency-based approach. The materials were delivered during the 2022-23 academic year. The learning outcomes demonstrated by participants in the control and experimental groups proved the effectiveness of the author's teaching procedure in the formation of generic competencies for foreign language professional communication, the validity of which was confirmed using mathematical statistics methods.
Conclusions. The proposed technology for designing a foreign language course based on the ADDIE model has demonstrated its effectiveness in the development of generic competencies for foreign-language professional communication, which was confirmed by more pronounced positive dynamics in the experimental group.


Instructional design; ADDIE model; Foreign-language professional communication; Generic competencies; Competence-based learning; Wilcoxon criterion; Fisher criterion

For citation:
Kulamikhina I. V., Kanunnikova N. V., Golubovskaya E. A., Arupova N. R. Assessment of generic competences for foreign-language professional communication through applying the ADDIE model. Science for Education Today, 2024, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 7–31. DOI:
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Date of the publication 30.04.2024