Science for Education Today, 2022, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 111–136

Factors determining the development of cognitive abilities in the context of digitalization of educational processes (a review article)

Pushkarev Y. V. 1 (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation), Pushkareva E. A. 1 (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation)
1 Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University

Introduction. The article examines the problem of digital transformation of modern society and education, which significantly affects the efficiency and effectiveness of the cognitive development of the individual. The aim of the study is to identify the determining factors for the development of cognitive abilities under the current conditions of digitization of educational processes.
Materials and Methods. The methodology of the research includes a content analysis and reviewing international and Russian research papers that consider the problems of information development of society, evaluate the development of the education system in the current conditions, determining the specifics of the influence of digital content on cognitive processes.
Results. The authors consider the factors and interrelations of cognitive and emotional, motivational, linguistic, creative components of development; determine the impact of metacognitive/systemic skills in the current conditions of digitalization of educational processes. It is noted that an important factor determining the development of cognitive abilities at a higher level in the conditions of digitization of educational processes is the creation of an appropriate educational environment that takes into account the psychophysiological age-related characteristics and helps to increase motivation and cognitive activity. It is indicated that the digitalization of educational processes significantly changes the ways of communication and the language environment. It is shown that modern cognition is directly related to the language of information development of society. At the same time, the digitalization of educational processes primarily determines the language transformation and the formation of new mechanisms for the assimilation of information. It is emphasized that the digitalization of educational processes determines the need for the formation of metacognitive abilities and universal competencies, which primarily include systematic thinking.
Conclusions. The authors have revealed the main factors and interrelations of the effectiveness and efficiency of cognitive development in the current conditions of digitalization of educational processes.


Cognitive development of personality; Intellectual potential of personality; Cognitive abilities; Metacognitive skills of personality; Digitalization of educational processes.

For citation:
Pushkarev Y. V., Pushkareva E. A. Factors determining the development of cognitive abilities in the context of digitalization of educational processes (a review article). Science for Education Today, 2022, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 111–136. DOI:
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Date of the publication 31.12.2022