The impact of using the model of research supervising on the formation of research competence in students majoring in education
Introduction. The article investigates the problem of increasing the efficiency of educational process at university with the main focus on supervising students’ research. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the influence of using the model of research supervision on developing research competences of students majoring in education.
Materials and Methods. The study is conducted on the basis of theoretical analysis and generalization of scholarly literature on supervising students’ research, experimental methods of educational research, and methods of mathematical statistics for processing empirical data (Wilcoxon test).
Results. The authors identified the following components within the research supervision model: choosing the research topic, determining the research methodology; diagnostic materials for identifying the effectiveness of the research investigation (criteria, indicators, levels of results assessment, choosing diagnostic methods); participation in research conferences, seminars, forums, etc.; design of experimental research (formative experiment program, short-term academic placement program); working in the academic library, preparing references and literature reviews; writing research articles). The study has revealed a positive correlation between using the research supervision model and the increase in research competence of students majoring in education.
Conclusions. The authors conclude that the use of the model for research supervision improves students' research competence. The obtained results can be used to improve the efficiency of educational process at university.
Students' research work; Research competence; Educational practice; Practice program; Research organization model; Structural elements of the model; Efficiency of the educational process.
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