Peculiarities of formation and assessment of schoolchildren’s mathematical literacy
2 Moscow City Universyti
Materials and Methods. The research is based on the concept and model of mathematical literacy defined for the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). The main research methods include an analysis of mathematics teachers’ experiences and an analysis of the structure of mathematical literacy tasks.
Results. The article presents an analysis of the conceptual foundations of developing schoolchildren’s mathematical literacy. The authors identified and structured the characteristic features of the tasks aimed at forming mathematical literacy, described the main approaches to their development, based on the use of model schemes and mathematical modeling. The links between the contexts of real-life situations and the content areas of the school mathematics course were traced. The complete process of working with mathematical models is illustrated by tasks arising in life situations. The authors revealed the main approaches to the development of tasks, designed to form mathematical literacy, based on the model schemes and the process of mathematical modeling.
Conclusions. In conclusion, the authors summarize stages of designing mathematical literacy tasks and the requirements to the approaches of their development. The conclusion is made about the possibility of using model schemes as a reference for mathematical literacy tasks.
Mathematical literacy; Contextual tasks; Mathematical models; Model schemes; Problem situation; Problem approach; content lines of mathematics; Mathematical modeling.
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