Science for Education Today, 2021, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 102–121

The determinism of the information society and the educational system: Enhancing academic attainments within distance learning

Kolomytseva O. N. 1 (Lanzhou, People's Republic of China), Statyivka A. M. 2 (Sumy, Ukraine), Ding Shujin 3 (Lanzhou, People's Republic of China), Stathivka V. I. 1 (Lanzhou, People's Republic of China)
1 The Russian Department, School of Foteign Languages and Literature, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China.
2 Sumy state pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko, Sumy, Ukrain
3 School of Foteign Languages and Literature, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China.

Introduction. The article discusses ambiguous attitudes of information society citizens to the use of digital technologies in education. The aim of the research is to reveal and describe the deterministic nature of society and education, to explain the reasons for the ambiguous attitudes towards the use of digital technologies in education, and to analyze and summarize their advantages and capabilities to improve academic outcomes in the context of distance learning.
Materials and Methods. By adopting personality-centered, activity-based and environmental approaches, the study considers the individual as a subject of learning and teaching, who can freely choose modes and means of learning, as well as communicative strategies within learning environments. Research methods include analysis of scholarly literature, synthesis of findings, and generalization. Empirical data were collected via a questionnaire and analyzed using statistical data processing methods. The sample consisted of students and teachers.
Results. The literature review has been used to characterize and describe the information society in order to reveal its contradictory nature and multi-vector impact on the individual in the educational environment. Changes in the psycho-biological mechanisms of learners belonging to Generation Z are outlined and summarized. The authors emphasize the need for adjusting teaching methods to the peculiarities of modern learners. The study indicates that learners’ attitudes towards digital technologies are determined by their ICT competence. The recommendations on the improvement of instruction in a virtual learning environment are presented.
Conclusions. The information society has predetermined the inevitability of the introduction and use of information technologies in the education, which , on the one hand, increases learners’ educational and research capabilities, and, on the other hand, requires a high level of ICT competence as well as major expenditures on such changes. The identified contradictions have led to restrained attitudes to distance (online) learning.


Information society; Information technologies; Learning environment; Generation Z; Correlations of teaching methods.


For citation:
Kolomytseva O. N., Statyivka A. M., Ding Shujin, Stathivka V. I. The determinism of the information society and the educational system: Enhancing academic attainments within distance learning. Science for Education Today, 2021, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 102–121. DOI:
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Date of the publication 30.04.2021