Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin, 2013, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 5–18

Narcissism as an object of differential psychometrics

Klepikova N. M. 1 (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation)
1 Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University

The article is presented a review of key methods, which allow diagnosing narcissism within the psychic norm. Number of methods studying narcissism as a clinical phenomenon are discussed (Millon clinical multiaxial inventory, T.Millon, 1997; International Personality Disorder Examination, А.W.Loranger, 1994; W.Mombour, М.Zaudig, 1994; Structured Clinical Interview for DSM Axis II, M.B.First, M.Gibbon, J.Williams, L.Benjamin, T.Fydrich, B.Renneberg, B.Schmitz, H.U.Wittchen, 1997; Aachen integrated list of symptoms of personality disorders, H.Sass, 1996; Aachen integrated list of symptoms of personality disorders (independent answers) M.Woschnik, E.Steinmeyer, G.Debus, 1994; Structured interview, O.F. Kernberg,2000; Diagnostic test of personality disorders, V.P.Dvorschenko, 2008); basic questionnaires investigating narcissism in different developmental stages (Blacky Pictures, G.S.Blum, 1950; The scale of personal preferences, М.Krout, 1954), components of motivation system (Personaliti factors, R.B.Cattell, J.L.Horn, A.B.Swene, J.A.Radclin, 1964; The scale of narcissism, H.Murray, 1938), behavioral individual characteristics (Interpersonal diagnosis of personality, Т.Leary, 1956), personal styles (Personal portrait, J.M.Oldham, L.B.Morris, 1990), basic Ego-functions (I-structural test, G.Ammonn,1998), cognitive schemes are presented (Schema Mode Inventory, J.Young, G.Brown, 2005). The discussed questionnaires are substantially increase the possibility to diagnose narcissism.


narcissism, diagnosing narcissism, research methods, questionnaires

For citation:
Klepikova N. M. Narcissism as an object of differential psychometrics . Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin, 2013, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 5–18.

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Date of the publication 20.08.2013