Pragmatics of scientific discourse
The article discusses the pragmatic intentions of scientific humanitarian text and discourse which are realized both at the level of scientific communication and at the level of conceptual modeling of the scientific description object. The methodology of the research is based on the theory of conceptual metaphor proposed by Lakoff and Johnson where the metaphor is considered as a cognitive activity associated with analogy processes. The conceptual metaphor used by the scientific text author for research object representation becomes a focus of their pragmatic intentions and implicitly transmits them to the text receivers through the system of textual metaphors being as a basic tool of modeling. In this respect the scientific text preserving the obvious parameters of objectiveness expresses author’s pragmatic (incl. evaluative) attitude. The academic texts in the sphere of philosophy, linguistics and history have become the source material for specification of the ways of metaphorical modeling of the scientific text pragmatic aspects.
language of science, scientific discourse, conceptual metaphor, metaphorical modeling, pragmatics
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