About the realization of derivational potentials of anglicisms in Russian and Mongolian languages
In order toassess the dynamics of the vocabulary of Russian and Mongolian languages with sufficient detail, due to the emergence of a large number of anglicisms in recent years, we should consider notonly the borrowing it self, but also those derived lexemes that have emerged on the basis of the borrowing. Participation of anglicisms in the process of word-formation, due to both extralinguistican dintralinguistic factors, accelerates the assimilation of anglicisms in borrowing languages and reveals the irderivational potential.
Investigation of implementation of the diversion capacity of “anglicisms” in Russian and Mongolian languages, on the one hand, helps to detect each language specifics replenishment vocabulary of the language, on the other-helps determine the general trend in the vocabulary of the different languages.
anglicisms, word-formationtype,category of word formation,derivationalpotential,derivatives.
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